We are a suburban sport area about 20 km from Olomouc We provide fun for your whole family in winter and summer season, we look forward to seeing you.
how to ride a bobsleigh track correctly
in a few simple points
1) Familiarize yourself with the operating rules. 2) Follow the track operator's instructions. 3) Sit on the bob individually (person over 130 cm) or in pairs (person under 130 cm height + person over 15 years). 4) Check your clothing, pockets and luggage to make sure you don't get under your bob or get lost. 5) Do not lie on the bob, do not stand, do not kneel, do not turn, nor, please, do not smoke. 6) The operator explains to you the operation of the bob cart and then starts you. Bob kart automatically grips the tow rope. 7) You do not need to hold the bob lever when driving up the lift (approx. 5 min.). At the top, the bob automatically disconnects. 8) At the top of the track, put the bob lever forward and start driving. Hold the lever with both hands. Do not operate the lever with any part of the body other than your hands. 9) If you pull the lever toward you, you will start braking. Brake in time, preferably before cornering. It is important to respect the markings and brake points on the track! Attention! It is strictly forbidden to stop on the track. This puts yourself and others at risk. 10) Follow the bobsled riders in front of you, keep a distance of 25 m. 11) Lean in the corners. Speed adapt to your abilities. On the track you are an active part of the ride and you influence it. bob cart can be overturned at high speed by a riding error. 12) It is important to brake at the end of the track! (Flapping the final stream at high speed is unpleasant) Commute slowly from this stream. Drive slowly up to the braking belt. It won't stop you, it just pushes the bob cart. It's really up to you! 13) If it starts raining, start braking smoothly and drive slowly.

+ 420 775 771 077
Školní 126 783 65 Hlubočky
ič: 25839411 dič: CZ25839411

We are a suburban sport area about 20 km from Olomouc Poskytujeme zábavu pro celou vaší rodinu jak v zimním tak letním období, těšíme se na vás.
+ 420 775 771 077
Školní 126 783 65 Hlubočky
ič: 25839411 dič: CZ25839411
Copyright 2017 Skiarealhlubocky. Created by BCAGENCY
Copyright 2017 Skiarealhlubocky. Created by BCAGENCY